Wednesday, June 14, 2017

An effort to fix one fundamental issue in our society.

Think about the way democracy system works in our country, and you will find an interesting fact that most of the time, no matter what you have done for this nation and our society, either it’s bad or it’s good, it won’t affect your right to vote.

Those who pay taxes and those who don’t, have the same equal weight to vote in the system. Those who committed corruptions and those who don’t, also have the same equal weight to vote. And the list will keep growing if you continue to do the comparisons.

Then when you look at from education perspective, you can easily come to conclusion that the fate of people having higher education is much likely determined by the decisions of those who are not lucky enough to have the same level of education. To give you the fact, by the end of 2016, only 34.27% of our 15-year old and above population having access, or once had the access, to senior high school and universities. Now add up the fact that in general, we all have the equal right to vote. This means that the other 65.73% who don't have access to senior high school and universities will have the chance to determine the fate of the whole population by the end of 2018. By the way, 16.6% of those don't even have the access to elementary school.

You can apply the same logic to see the other domains, and you will end up finding the same pattern.

This inequality, particularly in the education domain which interest me the most, has been creating a lot of conflicts in our country, by which the symptoms usually show up only when there are big political events, e.g., presidential elections. Ironically, those who think they are smarter than the others consistently raise up their complaints and point their fingers on them without giving any solutions. It just keeps happening, consistently and periodically, every time there is a big political event.

Have you ever paused for a moment and think, imagine if you have never had a chance to get a good education, that no one ever taught you how to think logically, do you think you will not end up doing what those whom you blame and patronize are doing?
I do agree that this complex problem is not just because of education inequality, but I am convinced that this is one of the fundamental issues that causes this complex problem in our society.

But I think we can do something together to reduce this inequality. I am imagining to work with a group of people who have the passion and the heart to provide better access for our fellow countrymen for higher education.

What I envision is simple, and this is not new in this universe:
"Imagine there is a trusted entity, empowered with simple, robust, and trusted systems and processes, that enables anyone in Indonesia to virtually support unfortunate Indonesian children to get access to higher education."

The implementation can be very broad. This can cover from supporting financially, emotionally, or even spiritually. We can work with existing non-profit organizations having access to those unfortunate Indonesian children while we provide the systems, processes, expertise, and networks. The key success factor will be our capability to scale it so that more people can provide the support and more children can get the support.

I am currently working on the idea with a good friend of mine, Reuben. And I am looking for more partners to join us. You don’t need to be full time here, both I and my friend also have our daily business and job. But we need to be committed to deliver the result, and remember that we are not building a for-profit organization. It will require our sacrifices, but I am convinced that it’s going to be worth it. If you have the passion and the mind, please contact me via Facebook messenger or mobile phone.

Let’s do one small thing that might make a big difference for our nation.

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